Working through questions about technology and education

Category: Research Methods

The Hike

Yesterday, I was asked to find an image that captures where I am in exploring and understanding my research. The image that came to mind was hiking up a steep hill. This came to me for several reasons. If you have ever met me in person, you know that I have an issue with breathing. I have a narrow trachea, about half the size of an average person, that makes my breathing laboured and noisy. This is intensified when I hike in the woods. I can feel every slight incline as it becomes more difficult to get oxygen into my limbs; I have to stop often. Now comparing this academic journey to this nasty personal struggle, sounds unpleasant; before I continue, I have to say, I love hiking! I hike often, but I either do it alone or with someone who doesn’t mind stopping often so I can catch my breath.

This hike began at sea level. In my mind, what I understood of research was that quantitative research dealt with numerical data and qualitative did not. For this reason, reading about the qualitative research method was a nice, familiar downhill slope. Mixed Methods research made sense, two familiar methods combined to create more utilizable meta-inferences. I thought I knew what qualitative research was but had never heard of autoethnography. This was the first steep hill for me. I found the academic language made the trail especially rocky. I will need to hike that one again along with phenomenology and MĂ©tissage, once I get better shoes.

Twitter was a trail I had started to hike a long time ago but I never really to used it for building a Personal Learning Network (PLN). I used it to follow a few colleagues, receive news, and entertainment. I opened a new account for growing my PLN and am enjoying the new and varied trails it is leading to. Feedly and Trello are like the map/message boards at the trailhead. I have to remember to check them before heading up the next trail. I like these boards as they can be a spot to pause and think, or find a trail I did not know was there. Meeting Pia Russell, Matt Hucolak, and Rich McCue was like finding an interpretational centre; their tour of tools such as Boolean searches in the UVic Library and Zotero have made the trek a lot easier. Right now, Zotero is like my backpack; there is a lot in there and some of it is heavy. I am not sure how Google Sheets will be useful to me but it sure is a cool tool; I will be watching for an opportunity.

TR Island Muddy Trail

“TR Island Muddy Trail” by Mr.TinDC is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

The visit and views of Dr. George Valetsianos highlighted some things that I had noticed about social media and some things I had not. I knew that social media could be a treacherous trail for personal opinions and controversial topics; these trails are generally too mucky for me and while I am not afraid to watch others from dry ground, I am not one to wade in. I did not know that this is a particularly female trait or that women are targeted more than men. This is upsetting but makes sense with what I know about some of my female colleagues. It seems that the smaller they are in stature or the younger they are in age, the more problems they seem to have with parents. I do not have many issues with parents. Is it because I am not little and not young? Face to face with a parent is one thing, but opening up on Twitter with trolls, sock puppets and swarms is quite another. My PLN connected me to Heidi N. Moore’s Twitter that made me think of Dr. Veletsianos’s research. The thread and the research together make me wonder about joining in those controversial topics myself. I do not know if I am ready for that, but I will dip a respectful toe in if something needs to be said.

Jesse Miller came in to talk about more of those mucky trails on the internet, with respect to children and their parents. He made it clear that we have a lot of work to do in educating children about digital citizenship. Unfortunately, few parents have had this education or informed themselves so they are responsible for putting too much “out there”. For me and Kindergarten, I was thinking maybe there was little to worry about. If they cannot spell, they cannot Google search, right? What I forgot was that often parents’ tabs can come up when they open the Google app and from there, they can just click their way into trouble. The same goes for the YouTube app which many children are familiar with because teachers use it in school and parents use it as a babysitter. For my part, I do try to raise awareness with my students’ parents; I ask them at events, on my class blog and in Freshgrade posts to get explicit permission from parents before posting any children other than their own on the internet. I would like to do more. I would like to find or make a pamphlet to give kindergarten parents about internet safety for pre-readers. Awareness is the first step.

“mountain” by barnyz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

I enjoyed the visit by Dr. Christine Younghusband and Ian Landy as they shared their thoughts on PLNs, But even more, I valued Dr. Younghusband’s views on Indigenous Learning, Indigenous Resurgence, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, and decolonization, along with Dr. Shauneen Pete’s and Colin Madland’s. I saw Dr. Pete speak at an unconference at the beginning of July and I knew I wanted to hear more. What maybe I did not want to hear was that I would have to engage in self-study to get the answers I need. I understand what she is saying though; I know it is my responsibility. It is on my list. I appreciated the notions of storytelling and using Coyote to voice her less polite thoughts. These are definitely things I can get my head around and use. It also set me to thinking about the toys in my classroom. I need to think about decolonizing the choices I give my students for play. What is more white settler than Barbie?! My own indigenous learning is a tricky path but definitely a mountain I want to get to the top of, and soon.


Reading Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models by Mary McAteer introduced me to another new trail. Action research, with its central focus of improving practice, is a natural fit for teachers. I believe that many teachers are regularly assessing and making changes to their practice but it’s usually a change to things external to themselves, such as the lessons, materials, or the physical space. To make a change to oneself, that is a challenge. So much of what I do seems instinctual so noticing it, recording it, assessing it and, if necessary, changing it would be tricky. There are times, of course, when I notice a mistake I have made or a situation where my intervention fails and I think of alternate ways for next time. How do I catch the more subtle traits that need to be addressed?

When Trevor Mackenzie visited, I have to admit, I was not that interested in following that well-travelled trail. My school has spent quite a lot of time on that path. It was not until someone connected inquiry to decolonization that I gave it another look. Could free inquiry help our class/community account for indigenous learners’ identities? All our learners’ identities? Kindergarten is full of inquiry-based, project-based, and play-based learning. Can I add some purpose and structure to their explorations? Would structure foster their curiosity or stifle it?

Keeping a research diary was the trail not taken. I had in my head that it was something I would start later, after I had determined my “big question”. I perceived the goal of the research diary to be aiding in the creation of a thorough, critical, and generative Literature Review. In hindsight, it would have been much easier to write this blogpost if I had started a research diary. Lesson learned. I will start one tomorrow, or when I figure out where I want to write it: as a page in this blog, in a notebook, in OneNote, or in a Google Doc. Where does everyone else write their research diary?

It’s funny how quantitative and qualitative research were the methods I was most familiar with, if not the only methods I was familiar with, at the beginning of this journey, but now are not the ones at the forefront of my mind. Self study, action research, and research diary methods have now moved to the forefront. They seem related to me, like three trails leading to the same peak.

TP 52 for 2019 - Week 1 : NEW

“TP 52 for 2019 – Week 1 : NEW” by timz2011 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Dr. Martin Weller and Dr. John Willinsky spoke to us about the growing acceptance of open educational practices, open scholarship, and open access. I have been using LibreOffice for years but never really thought about the significance of that. I just assumed the creators must be getting paid somehow. I wonder what other open access I have enjoyed without thinking about it. I know I have done a lot with online images in my work at school. I did not think anything of copyright as I copied pictures for lessons or made resources for my class. It was only recently that I learned about Creative Commons and attribution. I am still working out all the ethics around this but I will certainly be applying what I know in the future. As for open scholarship, I hope that I can access scholarly works for my continued research because I can only choose to climb one mountain for this masters project and I have at least three mountains in mind. For now I will clamour about in the foothills, stopping to breathe, and deciding which mountain to climb first.

A Settler’s Work Has Just Begun

This has been an eye-opening week. Before this week, I believed that Indigenous Education was about weaving the previously absent indigenous content into my curriculum. Each year, I teach my students a few SENĆOƩEN words, I read the occasional Indigenous story book, we participate in Orange Shirt Day, our class goes to the “Multicultural Room” to see authentic first nations artifacts and listen to our school’s Indigenous Education Teacher share some stories and some properly pronounced SENĆOƩEN language. This past year, our school enjoyed some bonuses. Our classes participated in building a canoe replica with an indigenous canoe builder. We had Canadian Geographic bring their giant Indigenous Peoples Map for classes to see and discuss. We participated Aboriginal Day activities such as The Bone Game, Storytelling, and Lacrosse. Several years ago, we had local artists design and/or carve our school logo, school sign, and a welcome figure for the front foyer. We, my colleagues and I, are really trying.

We want our aboriginal students and their families to feel welcome and included. We want our non-aboriginal students and their families to share our belief that including these cultural activities and art pieces is an important step toward reconciliation and respect for the unceded territory our building stands upon. Even with all that, we know there’s something awry. Many of our Indigenous students are still struggling academically and confining themselves to Indigenous friends. Their families rarely come into the school and seem to keep us “at arm’s length”. There are signs of growing trust with some of our Indigenous families but only, I think, because our previous Indigenous Education Teacher is an elder from the local W̱SÁNEĆ community and was leveraging her status there to build bridges. What is next for our school? What is next for me in my own practice?

After reading Meschachakanis, a Coyote Narrative: Decolonising Higher Education, I have come to see “that colonisation is not simply a historical event, but an ongoing system of oppression and advantage. A system designed to privilege the settler state at the expense of the Indigenous peoples” (Pete, 2018, p. 179). No wonder our Indigenous families do not trust us. It’s not just the horrors of residential schools prompting mistrust but also, the ongoing subjugation of the people and communities they are forced to live in. I did not put it together at the time, but I remember our Indigenous Education Teacher mentioning that she needed to know how many of my students were on the “nominal role” because she had to fill out paperwork for the federal government to fund them for a field trip we went on. I remember thinking how dumb the federal government was, wanting paperwork for a $3.50 skate rental, but now I think, how terrible and humiliating for her and those indigenous families that this is how tightly controlled they are! It makes me angry to think about it.

Shauneen Pete’s chapter is aimed at decolonizing universities but the lessons resonate at all levels of education. How do we decolonize elementary school? Our knowledge system is “rooted in Eurocentrism…a system of knowledges that reinforce colonial dominance” and “Indigenous peoples intimately understand the nature of colonialism and its effect; members of the dominant group tend to know very little” (Pete, 2018, p.181). This tells me I need to know more but I have to admit, I struggle to ask questions of our Indigenous Education Teacher because I am afraid to offend, or perhaps, afraid to give up the “luxury of ignorance” (Howard as cited by Pete, 2017). I believe it is more the former as I recall, several years ago, when our Indigenous Education Teacher was a white woman, I did ask many questions and learned a lot about our local Indigenous communities. She mentioned that some people in the community were offended when she tried and failed in her pronunciation of SENĆOĆŠEN words. She warned us against asking about sacred ceremonies since they once had to be conducted in secret and have since become privileged knowledge. It was also at this time, when one of my grade 4 students was engaged in inquiry about residential schools, that an elder told her mom (and she, in turn told me) that he was tired of telling his story because it was a painful one. With these things in mind, I believed my trepidation was justified and I just stopped asking. After reading and listening to the frustrated words of Shauneen Pete, I understand it is time to get to work on decolonising my practice and overcome my fears. I need to do some of my own research. I need to know more about culturally responsive pedagogy, critical multiculturalism, Tribal Critical Theory, and Red Pedagogy. Then, I can take better questions to my Indigenous Education Teacher.

What does decolonising my practise look like in Kindergarten? I have work to do in figuring out this question, I started looking at my district’s Hub for Indigenous Education Resources. I can understand why few people would make use of this resource as it is enormous, with very long lists of links. It is hard to know where to start. I turn instead to student-led inquiry. Inquiry-based learning is a natural leap for Kindergarten. The children are eager to learn. We might not get the deep questioning of older learners but we can certainly lay the foundation simply by asking, “What do you want to know about?” or “What do you want to teach us about? They almost always have an answer. They have not yet been trained to wait for information to be delivered to them in tidy little themes. They are already experimenting with inquiry at playtime. How high can I make this tower before it falls over? How can we make this fort big enough for all our friends? How can I take her idea and make it better? How can I turn this kitchen into a veterinarian’s office? How can I arrange this furniture to make a home for Barbie? Mentioning Barbie makes me cringe; I wonder what toys and materials I have that meet the needs of decolonised play. Indeed, what is available in the settler marketplace? Clearly I have much more to do.

When it comes to decolonising my kindergarten, I am now clearly in the role of researcher. I have a lot of resources to evaluate and sort; which are materials that I can use to teach and which address the manner in which I teach? The latter will require that I adopt self-study as a research method. How will I change my practice to reflect my growth toward becoming a culturally responsive, socially just educator? How will I assess and document that growth? Perhaps, I will invite Coyote (Pete, 2018). My self-study will take time and I don’t want my students to have to wait so changes in my practice will need to be thought out one at a time, assessed in practice, and then move on from there. I will be renovating my practice, rather than tearing down to rebuild. In that way, the students will become the researched alongside myself. If I am thoughtful in my application, all the changes should be positive ones. As for the reader of the research, that would be me, but also I would be compelled to share what I learn with my colleagues. I wish to encourage them to begin their own self-study, passing along Shauneen Pete’s notion that it is time for the settlers to do the work.


Other possible starting points:


In Our Own Words: Bringing Authentic First Peoples Content to the K-3 Classroom

School District 61 Learning Team – Indigenous Education

Thoughts on Literature Reviews

On reading, Scholars Before Researchers: On the Centrality of the Dissertation Literature Review in Research Preparation by David Boote and Penny Beile, I wonder what sort of “scholar” would simply review the research and summarize it as a book report and believe there is any point in that. I have to hope they are at least thinking about the implications and the foundational points that the literature provides. I can’t believe they are just reading the literature and doing nothing with it. If they are, in fact, reading it and more importantly, understanding it, of course they must be allowing it to affect the decisions they make about their dissertations. I suspect they are not failing to consider prior literature before they embark on their dissertations but instead, are failing to document their consideration of it, thus failing to aid future generativity.

I do find it plausible that a student could read just enough literature to set the course of their dissertation. In this case, the candidate is putting in the minimum effort knowing that the evaluators likely won’t go into a detailed analysis of the literature review since it is routine and generally undervalued. Then, if there is a need for the appearance of a more thorough literature review, the candidate can pad it out with what they can skim from abstracts of literature they found in the bibliographies of the literature that they read. I don’t necessarily think these people are bad people, but when you are budgeting your time, you aren’t likely to spend a lot of it on something when the advisors aren’t advising you of its importance. In that regard, I agree with Boote and Beile, improving doctoral education is the key to improving educational research.

Cresswell wrote his literature review criteria way back in 1994 and the five step process back in 2002! These appear to be the standards that many have followed. Yet Strike and Posner published their 3 characteristics of a good synthetic review back in 1983. Hart’s criteria were published in 1999. Were they the unpopular kids? Didn’t Cresswell read their criteria before he published his five steps? Now Boote and Beile have produced a 12-step rubric that proposes to make literature reviews more of a foundation to be built before beginning research that has the potential to create new knowledge. How was that received? Are they now generally accepted or are they still waiting for the popular kids to give them their due?

Here’s the difference in 2019. Now we have social media and digital access. I think these topics can be more easily debated. I think that means the tight circles of experts are now opening up access to novices. Boote and Biele cited Cooper (1985) in saying that novices were more likely to use databases and indexes to find research for their reviews while experts would draw theirs from personal chats with the leading researchers. Now, with Professional Learning Networks (PLNs), novices have access to the experts. If I find a research article I think I can use, sure I can go digging around in their references and bibliographies but also, if the article is recent enough, I might be able to follow the author(s) on Twitter or subscribe to their blog(s). Then I may be able to dig around in their PLNs. I can draw my literature from around the world (as long as it’s in English). It’s very exciting but I can’t just take advice from anyone. I still have to find connections through people I trust, branching out, but watching for bad apples.

In terms of the Researcher, the Research, the Researched, and the Reader, a deep thinking literature review would definitely be beneficial. As a researcher, I need to know what is out there. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. If my predecessors have completed good foundational literature reviews then they will contribute to my own. Building on that foundation with my own thoughtful literature review, using up to date resources and a far reaching network of experts would provide me with a solid direction to take my project. This would ensure that the project/research is a step forward, contributing to something new based on something tried and tested. This, in turn, will ensure that the researched, or students in my case, are subjected to the best practices I can find or create. Readers of my literature review would, in turn, build on my research and continue to move forward with research/projects of their own.

Now that I understand the importance of the literature review as the foundation for my own project, I am excited to get going but I’m also anxious about its seeming enormity. I am glad we had some time with Pia Russell today. I’m going to do some exploring in the UVic digital library, plus work on my PLN and see where that takes me. I am a slow, slow reader on my best day and the challenging language in scholarly literature is often overwhelming. I enjoy reading and learning in my own time and I want a strong foundation for my project, I really do, but I can see the appeal of the 1994 book report.

Examining a Quantitative Study Through the Lens of Mixed Methodology

When the local news reports on a piece of research, it focuses chiefly on the result, but there are many processes behind that research result that will affect its value. One of these critical processes is the selection of an appropriate research methodology. The following is an examination of the research methodology behind, The effectiveness of computer and tablet assisted intervention in early childhood students’ understanding of numbers. An empirical study conducted in Greece, by S. Papadakis, M. Kalogiannis, and N. Zaranis (2018). This examination looks at how the researcher, the research, the researched, and the reader of that research might have been affected if the authors had been guided by the research methodology analyzed by Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework by Alicia O’Cathain (2015).

Before looking at the Greek study, it is important to understand Mixed Methods Research through the writing of Alicia O’Cathain. O’Cathain is Director of the Medical Care Research Unit at The University of Sheffield in Sheffield, United Kingdom. She is a prolific writer with published works ranging in dates from 1988 to 2019. She has written extensively on research methodology. In addition, she runs mixed methods workshops and was an Associate Editor of The Journal of Mixed Methods Research from 2007 to 2012. Her current work focuses on the development and evaluation of complex interventions for chronic conditions. (Sheffield, n.d.)

In Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework (O’Cathain, 2015), O’Cathain’s discusses the difficulties of finding common ground between qualitative research assessment and quantitative research assessment, the two components of Mixed methods research. Quantitative research looks for explanations or causes using tools such as surveys, questionnaires or equipment to collect numerical data, often in a controlled environment. Qualitative research looks for understanding, meaning, or descriptions in behaviour, perception or society. Qualitative research uses the researchers themselves, immersed in the natural setting of the subjects, as tools for collecting data through interviews and observation (“Qualitative or Quantitative Research?,” n.d.). After describing the challenges of developing consistent language and criteria acceptable to proponents of both methodologies, O’Cathain lays out her framework for assessment over eight domains: planning quality, design quality, data quality, interpretive rigor, inference transferability, reporting quality, synthesizability, and utility. When followed, this framework would guide a high quality study.

The second piece of research, The effectiveness of computer and tablet assisted intervention in early childhood students’ understanding of numbers. An empirical study conducted in Greece, was conducted by a team of researchers in the Department of Preschool Education at the University of Crete (Papadakis, Kalogiannakis, & Zaranis, 2018). Briefly, they sought to understand the effect of using computer and tablet games on young children’s understanding of numbers. They applied this quantitative study to 21 kindergarten classes, finding that tablet games yielded the best test scores followed by computer games, followed by the control group receiving traditional instruction. They also concluded that the gender of the children was not an issue.

The question is, how would changing the greek research from a quantitative study to a quality mixed methods study impact the research, the researcher, the researched, and the reader of the research. Since mixed methods research is the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, the difference for the greek study is the addition of a qualitative component.

Impacts for the research itself will depend on the path changes of the researchers. For the researchers, the switch to mixed methods means additional planning and changes to the research design. They would need to expand the foundational element to include literature that looks at the application of qualitative methodologies within a kindergarten setting as well as literature to aid in the determination of what forms of data analysis to use; perhaps there is a better tool than the standardized test for measuring results. They would need to determine what observers would be looking for and what interviewers would be asking about, and then adjust their rationale. The addition of observers means more adults will be needed and this will increase costs. If interviews are added, this will increase the amount of time in the field, especially if they are choosing to interview all 365 children. This will also affect the cost.

Interviews or observations may uncover a possible compounding variable. Children might reveal that knowing that the other groups are doing something novel with computers or laptops might cause them to feel negatively about the group they are in and therefore, not enjoy it as much. Perhaps observations would reveal that the children in the computer group need better mousing skills so they do not receive as much practise as the children in tablet group. Perhaps, there is instant verbal feedback in the digital options that provides an external motivator that the control group does not receive. Possibly, the digital groups are wearing earphones that minimize the distractions; observation could tell the researchers the amount of time the children were on task. If the interviews and observations are conducted at the beginning of the study, the plan may be subject to more changes; changes affect time and money. If they are conducted at the end or concurrently, this may affect data quality.

If time and money are a concern, the researchers may choose to reduce the size of their sample which may affect the inference transferability of the research. If the extended plan goes ahead, the quantitative data may not change, but the qualitative expansion will create a lot more data that needs to be analyzed and interpreted, adding the element of meta-inferencing. The addition of meta-inferencing should be a positive change for the research because it could help set the conditions under which the improved learning would occur. This could also improve inference transferability and utility.

For the researched, the children in the study, a switch to mixed methods would mean several changes. More adults in the room can be exciting for some children but anxiety causing for others. This could lead to missed days of school. Prolonged experience with these adults could form emotional attachments for some children, as well as some of the research team. Interviews and/or observations could reveal that the children have different feelings about various adults or the other children in their groups that affect their ability to fully engage in it. Children would likely be upset at not being in the tablet group since many have tablets at home and regard it as a toy. Children in the control group would experience this even more, having had no access to either the tablet or the computer games. This might affect their ideas around fairness. Also, tablet and/or control groups could be experiencing teasing outside of the class time because they are regarded as having lower status. Interviews and observations might serve to catch these feelings and find a proactive way to mitigate them.

The reader of the research may be wondering about the possible confounding variables and the impacts the research activities have on the children. An examination of these possibilities through the addition of the qualitative component at the outset might minimize or eliminate these concerns by addressing them before the quantitative component really begins. Then the reader can feel more confident in utilizing the research to develop an educational program that improves the mathematical learning in the classroom setting. If the reader is an application designer, this would help justify the time and expense of creating relevant and marketable products. If the reader is a teacher or administrator, this could help justify the purchase of tablets for kindergarten classrooms along with the time and support to use them as effectively.

In conclusion, if the costs in time and money are plausible, the greek study would benefit from the quality Mixed Methods approach advocated by Alicia’s O’Cathain. Because the Mixed Methods approach has two components instead of one, it would seem possible that researchers could fill all the gaps in their research but they must be careful of “going down the rabbit hole” because the costs and time required could become unmanageable. If a research team feels the need to cut something out of their plan to make it feasible, let it not be the consideration of the social emotional well-being of children.


O’Cathain, A. (2015). SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research.

Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M., & Zaranis, N. (2018). The effectiveness of computer and tablet assisted intervention in early childhood students’ understanding of numbers. An empirical study conducted in Greece. Education and Information Technologies, 23(5), 1849–1871.

Qualitative or Quantitative Research? (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2019, from MQHRG website:

Sheffield, U. of. (n.d.). Alicia O’Cathain – MCRUStaff – MCRU – Health services research – Sections – ScHARR – The University of Sheffield. Retrieved July 11, 2019, from


Butter or Margarine?

"Vintage Ad #1,585: Spread a Good Example" by jbcurio is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

My mother once said, “Don’t tell me about the research, the research is all baloney. One day butter is bad for you, the next day they tell us that margarine is bad, go back to butter.” I recollected this after reading Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching by Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller & Richard E. Clark (2010) and Teaching for Meaningful Learning by Dr. Barron & Darling-Hammond, StanfordU. Here are two articles using research, sometimes using the same research, to support opposing viewpoints. It would seem that Mum is somewhat correct; we can’t just trust when someone says, research shows…” When looking at research conclusions, we have to consider the source. I was well aware of this when considering consumer products. Who is trying to sell it to me? Wealthy industries are certainly capable of creating research that supports their products. When we go to the doctor, they recommend medicines that have been researched by their own creators. Meanwhile, because there’s no money in it, there are few studies of the effects of naturopathic remedies, so few doctors recommend them. Actually, I don’t know how true this is, not having studied it, but that’s what my doctor seems to think.

In education, naturally, a lot of things come down to money. After all, education is one of the biggest ticket items in the provincial budget. So what is cheaper? Fully guided learning or minimally guided learning. I don’t know the answer but it sure makes me wonder what the motivations of the authors of those two articles are. Again, who’s trying to sell it to me? Are they funded by the government? If they’re not motivated by money, maybe they are motivated by the need to keep teachers accountable. I can understand that. I think all teachers can benefit from taking a critical look at their own practice; I think most do. Maybe the authors are funded by companies that benefit from having technology in schools. I bet Apple and Google would like to keep the ball rolling at my school. Do teachers’ unions fund research? Many teachers are afraid of the change because they know things like Project-based learning (PBL) take a lot more time and effort. So many of us already put in so much extra time that no one but our families knows about. In my case, the custodians know; I think my family has forgotten I live with them. Other teachers are afraid of jumping into something new because they’ve seen so many trends come and go. Butter…margarine…butter? Up until now, I think I have believed that someone somewhere is being more critical of the research and making the best decisions for us. But now, I see that the decision makers have all their biases too. Is there such a thing as truly unbiased research? Or unbiased interpretation of the results of research?

Maybe it’s better for education researchers to use Autoethnography which “is one of the approaches that acknowledges and accommodates subjectivity, emotionality, and the researcher’s influence on research, rather than hiding from these matters or assuming they don’t exist.” In Autoethnography: An Overview, Ellis, Adams & Bochner cite Holman Jones (2005,p.764) as claiming that “Autoethnographers view research and writing as socially-just acts; rather than a preoccupation with accuracy, the goal is to produce analytical, accessible texts that change us and the world we live in for the better…” If I were going to put my children’s education research into the hands of someone, it’s got to be someone who is not operating with a hidden agenda and is socially-just, right?

I think, as a researcher myself, I have to acknowledge my perspective as I collect my data. How am I checking myself to make sure I don’t ignore something that will be perceived differently by the other people that I hope will benefit from my work? If I decide to declare that butter is the best choice, I need to make sure I don’t ignore those with lactose intolerance.

In terms of the research that I analyze and draw from, I will definitely want to know more about the background of the researchers and where their influences lie. Did I choose butter based on research funded by Dairy Farmers of Canada?

I like the idea of Autoethnographers immersing themselves in the culture of those they are studying. I think it’s important to be sensitive to the people who will be affected by the process and the outcome. If the Fraser-Institute came into school and witnessed the anxiety some of our kids experience sitting in front of a computer to take a test in unfamiliar fashion, would they feel so good about their numbers? I don’t really know how this thought lines up with butter, but I bet the cows would rather we went with margarine.

For the reader of my research, I hope I don’t draw any conclusions that do harm. At my school, we enjoy the company of quite a few indigenous families and I don’t want to “fail to account for (their) identity” (Shauneen Pete). Nor do I wish to fail to account for the identities of children from any other culture, socioeconomic status, or with special needs. I want readers of my research to think, “That works for me!” I want everyone to have their choice of butter or margarine because it works for them, and maybe I can help them decide how much.


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